Process Bible

Process Bible

Create processes in blocks.

  • When you create process diagrams - think of actions as blocks of actions. Think about how to group them together.
  • Do not get lazy and group them by people, but think about what is really being done here.
  • Automating within a block is significantly easier than automating an entire process. Furthermore, automating blocks to work together is easier than automating everything.

Create blast radius around each block.

  • Think of each block having and input and output. Think about all the relations between inputs and outputs across multiple blocks.
  • if you’re restructuring a process, minimize the dependency of outputs of other blocks. That means that when someone leaves an organization, or there’s an org change, the entire process does not blow up - only a portion of it does.
  • Minimize the blast radius of each block.

Keep automation as the key goal.

  • When documenting the process - work on thinking how you can convert that documentation into code.
  • Minimize the number of ‘it depends’ scenarios - and if there are many - document each possible known variable

Start with process charts but quickly move to insystem documentation

  • Process charts are nice to help you understand the bigger picture - but no reasonable on-the-ground users will ever read through process charts to understand what to do next.
  • It’s unrealistic and it’s not how people work.
  • When you design systems that enforce processes - build the documentation directly into the product. Tell the user what they need to do next. Surface documentation only when they need it.

Perform observable audits to validate the steps are still being performed - keep an eye out for automation.

  • you need to audit the process consistently. But you have to watch the steps that are being taken - you can’t just rely on metrics.
  • You need to WATCH each block performing the actions. Get on a video call, share your screen, sit right next to them - but you have to be present. You can’t do this from a high tower.
  • As you observe people - ask them why they’re doing what they’re doing. Watch HOW they perform the steps and keep an eye out where automation can help them get faster.

Define key metrics, then throw them away

  • Defining metrics and key success factors in the beginning is an excellent exercise to help you determine the goal you’re trying to accomplish. Is it faster turnaround time of invoices? Is it processing more invoices within the same turnaround time?
  • Be ready to rapidly throw those metrics out - the process takes shape and there are hidden success factors as you take the journey through building the process.
  • Remember to keep the ultimate business goal in mind. What is that goal? Likely, it’s to make more money. How can what you do make more money for the business?
  • The ultimate metric is dollars and cents - not accrual values or in-year spending reductions. Making money is the goal.
  • Differentiate between Progress and Activity metrics - Use activity metrics on a daily basis, assess progress metrics on a longer timeframe to realize progress made as a result of activity.
    • E.g. Progress Metrics - Lose 100 lbs (This is the end goal)
    • Activity Metrics - Get 100 MEPS every workout (This is the means to an end)